Thursday, January 18, 2007

The Playground on a Warm January Day and Other Exciting Stuff...
Can you believe that it was warm enough all of this past weekend (January 13-15) to not only go to the playground but to also not wear a coat? Every day we went and had a great time!! Daddy said that his heart can't handle the playground, Ellie is too much of a daredevil! I have to say that it was a lot of fun to watch Ellie with the other kids but I think the funniest(or akward) moment was when a younger scool-aged boy (maybe 7 years old) came up and asked me where dogs came from? I said, "You mean puppies?" And he said, "Yes." All I can say is that I think that I did as well as my unprepared self could and once that was all over I vowed I would be ready once Ellie laid one of those doozies on me (at least I hope I will)!!Playing in the sand pit at the playround, what fun!!
Queen of the slide!!
Ellie's first day in her car seat facing forward (January15) I know that I may be a little overprotective but hey, leave me alone!! I am allowed to be, right? Let's face it, they say that the safest place n the car is in the middle rear facing back, so I just left it there a little longer than I had too!
Ellie and Daddy, do I really need to say any more?
"Look at me I made it down all by myself!!"
Look at Ellie and Daddy on the slide. I still can't believe that is MLK Jr. weekend and it is in the 70s. Who would have thought... January and shorts???
Hey there cutie. What are you doing with that silly look on your face at the bottom of the slide???

1 comment:

drlysse said...

Ellie and daddy from behind should win an award!!!