Tuesday, January 30, 2007

SCHATZIE: Life with a Baby
An Autobiography"Look at me, I can hardly get any beauty sleep. When Ellie isn't in my face or teasing me with the possibility of food there are cameras in my face. I say, please let me be!! I need my beauty rest. Do you think a tooth like mine just happens??"
"Do you see this, not only do they give me a haircut so short that they need to put clothing on me to keep me warm bu I have the small human on top of me. Where is my respect???"
" I try to tell her to go easy on me but that little human just won't listen!! Can't you see me talking to her and all she does is laugh!! I am telling you, no respect!!"
"As the old saying goes... kill them with kindness. Or is it keep your friends close and your enemies closer? Anyway, I am working on both!! Soon I will take over the entire house!!"
"And with a mug like this who could resist? Ok, seriously, it is total madness her, please help, now!!"

Saturday, January 27, 2007

Dookie in the Pool!
Viewer Beware: There is photographic evidence that may be graphic . Please proceed with caution!Ellie and Schatzie hanging out eating Cheerios and milk. OK, let's face it, it was Ellie running around with Cheerios and milk and Schatzie follwing close behind as her own personal vacume cleaner!!
Grandma Deb was giving Ellie a bath last night and SURPRISE... poopie in the tub!! She looks so very proud of herself, doesn't she??
My First McDinner
I have to first state for the record that this was not my choice, it was Bill's. Nor do I endorse the use of fast food when feeding babies. That being said, I will let you know that this was dinner #2 for the night. Bill couldn't have been happier when he got her first Happy Meal, chcken nuggets and french fries with milk and a toy (not suitable for children her age).Daddy and Ellie hanging out before dinner.
Can you see the McWonder and McHappiness in her eyes? No, neither can I but if you look closely, you can see it in Daddy's eyes!!
Ok, ok. I will eat my words. She was pretty happy and she did like her dinner #2. But again I would like to state that I pumped her full of fruit, veggies, and chicken w/ pasta before her fast food!!
Look, they are sharing food!! How cute!

Thursday, January 18, 2007

Ellie in the Mirror and my Sweater BabiesWe went to go and pick up Bill' s new pants at the store and Ellie had a time with the mirrors!
Ellie giving Ellie sugar!!
Sweater Ellie in the railing... "Aaaagghh!"
Sweater Schatzie putting her best tooth forward!!
Yes, it was in the seventies just three days ago and today it snowed a couple inches, welcome to good ole' NC!!Here is Ellie going into school.
Smile, Ellies first real look at the show and she didn't hate it!!
"Hey, I don't know what this stuff is but it isn't horrible!!"
In the afternoon after daycare closed early.
Schatzie loves snow!!
"Come on, it is cold out here, please let us in. I promise we will even wipe our feet this time!!"
The Playground on a Warm January Day and Other Exciting Stuff...
Can you believe that it was warm enough all of this past weekend (January 13-15) to not only go to the playground but to also not wear a coat? Every day we went and had a great time!! Daddy said that his heart can't handle the playground, Ellie is too much of a daredevil! I have to say that it was a lot of fun to watch Ellie with the other kids but I think the funniest(or akward) moment was when a younger scool-aged boy (maybe 7 years old) came up and asked me where dogs came from? I said, "You mean puppies?" And he said, "Yes." All I can say is that I think that I did as well as my unprepared self could and once that was all over I vowed I would be ready once Ellie laid one of those doozies on me (at least I hope I will)!!Playing in the sand pit at the playround, what fun!!
Queen of the slide!!
Ellie's first day in her car seat facing forward (January15) I know that I may be a little overprotective but hey, leave me alone!! I am allowed to be, right? Let's face it, they say that the safest place n the car is in the middle rear facing back, so I just left it there a little longer than I had too!
Ellie and Daddy, do I really need to say any more?
"Look at me I made it down all by myself!!"
Look at Ellie and Daddy on the slide. I still can't believe that is MLK Jr. weekend and it is in the 70s. Who would have thought... January and shorts???
Hey there cutie. What are you doing with that silly look on your face at the bottom of the slide???
Ellie's Palm TreeEllie on her bike with her new hair-do... the palm tree!! What a mean, mean dude!
Look, Ellie and Bill have the same hairstyle!!

Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Patrick brought Dylan over to play with Ellie last night. They had a great time and they got along wonderfully!! The only thing was that the house looked like a tornado had hit it once the night was over but the had so much fun I can't wait to get them together again!Ellie and Dylan giving each other five!
Dylan, Schatzie, and Ellie hanging out on the chair just taking a break!
Daddies and babies... Dylan, Patrick, Bill, and Ellie

Monday, January 01, 2007

Happy 2007!!!
Welcome New Year!!Daddy is not feeling so good, too much egg nog on New Year's Eve??
Horray, I learned how to stack my rings all by myself! I am so very proud of me!!
Auntie Donna before she left on New Year's day! Bahy-bahy, have safe trips!!
I am helping Mommy clean up. Here I am pulling he white fluffy stuff out of the pillow...
...and then throwing it away! I am such a big help!!
Grandpa is giving a speech on New Year's Eve. I am laughing because I have no idea what he is saying!!
Here are Bella and I in Uncle Mike and Aunt Jess's kitchen. I love Bella not only is she my size but she gets in trouble more than I do!!
Look at me I am wearing a giant Santa hat on New Year's Eve, why does Mommy do these things to me??
Mr. Clark, I am getting ready t see you, I have my pjs on and I got my blanket and bots; only four and a half more hours until midnight. If for some reason I don't make it I will be dreaming about you, promise!!
Uh-oh, Auntie Donna is going to get me with that giant mitten and Grandma is going to let her!!
Smile- Bill, Oma, and Opa!
Ellie and the pppies on Saturday... Abbey, Schatzie, and Bella. Kisses for everyne!!!
Bill, Michael, Schatzie, Jessica, Bella, Mary Beth, and Ellie
Opa, Oma, and Ellie