Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Here Comes Santa Clause
Let me start by saying that one of these days I will finally to remember to upload my photos in reverse you don't have to go through fun backwards. But until then, sorry! Here is some of our Christmas fun in Baltimore. I hope you enjoy seeing it as much as we enjoyed doing it!
Camels and a Christmas Wonderland
Last night we went to Watson's Garden for their annual Christmas Wonderland, it really is neat! There is a decorated Christmas hallway with snowy trees, Santa, and a Nativity scene. Ellie finally warmed up to her snowy surroundings and was walking around on her own on the second go-through.
The pretty Nativity scene, I pointed out to Ellie who everyone was... Mary, Joseph, the angels and shepards, and baby Jesus. Then she looked at me and said, "Mommy, he naked. Baby She-schus no clothes on."
Fred (in red) and Barney (in blue) were two very friendly brothers. Every year Watson's has either camels or reindeer in a stall outside. Ellie really liked to see the camels. We watched them eat and drink water and saw their funny lips move all around!
Santa Is Coming
Santa made a special stop to the neighborhood on Monday night and he rode in on a firetruck. We could here him coming even before he got there! Ellie was excited (from a distance) but the sirens were really loud and kind of hurt our ears! Next year we will wear earmuffs, maybe that will help!
Patiently sitting and waiting for Santa Clause.
Princess Ellie
Princess Ellie has just woken up and can't be seen without her royal jewels!!
Visit with The Lysses
Chocolate gelato after a pizza dinner, mmmm....
Horsey rides on Grandma. Giddy up!
Santa Clause... at a safe viewing distance!
The Christmas lights on 34th Street in Hampden. Wow! What a sight! It was really cold but definatly worth walking to get the real feel. You could actually feel the excitement and Christmas in the air!
These are all individual houses on lone block in the city. Every year they go overboard and deck the halls in Christmas decor. What a wonderful tradition! We met some people who drove an hour from Annapolis to come see the lights!
Mommy, Ellie, and Daddy looking at some of the decorations. This one was animated Disney characters singing Christmas carols in someone's front yard.
Here is a picture of the other side of the street.
Before walking a few blocks to see the lights we all went to Cafe Hon for a fantastic dinner of crab cakes, cheeseburgers, and meatloaf. It is a fun place to get a taste of life in Baltimore. Grandma and Ellie are giving Grandpa a smooch, I think he may even like it!!
Grandma Deb, Ellie, and Mommy at Cafe Hon while we waited for our table. It is a good thing that it was warm inside because it sure was cold outside!!!
She just couldn't keep her eyes open long enough to read her snowman book. Here is Ellie dozing after out trip to the Baltimore Aquarium.
Ellie bundled up for the cold temps with Grandpa, Daddy, and Grandma at the Inner Harbor after lunch at Harbor Place.
The dolphins at the aquarium. They jumped, swam and played with balls (just like Schatzie); they talked and even waved to us!
Ellie was thrilled with the dolphins. I think that Grandpa is awake in this photo but we did catch him taking a little snooze here and there during the show! Lucky for him there is no proof!
Ellie and Grandma in the rain forest. It sure was warm in there, a nice change from outside.
Strolling by the mirrors.
Ellie and Grandma at the Touch and Learn tank. We were learning about horseshoe crabs and hermit crabs.
Ellie and Mommy taking a little break to watch the turtles and the rays. We saw on e giant turtle that was saved off the shore of New York and only had three fins. They had to remove one to save his life. Lucky him!
Grandpa, Ellie, Daddy, and Grandma in front of the shark tank, it is a good thing there is glass there to save that sweet little Ellie Belly!
What a Ham!!!
After a record 10 hour trip to get to Baltimore, the Lysses made it to Ellie's school, unfortunately they missed her program but the did get to see Santa's visit. Looks like Daddy said something pretty funny!
And speaking of Santa Clause's visit, this was as close as she would get and that was to grab some cookies out of his hand!
Ellie in her bathing suit (see below) when she saw Daddy get there! What a lucky girl!
Ellie's 2 year Christmas program... they danced and played instruments to a Beach Boys Christmas song. Too cute!!
Yes, she does have that 'dear in the headlights' look. I don't think I have to worry about being a stage mom!!
Bath Time
Post bath snuggles in the pillow pile.
The longest Alfalfa sprout in the world. Don't worry, that is colored bubble bath soap on her chest, not paint or markers. Not that it would surprise me if it was!
"I am gorgeous! Just look at me!"
Out on the Town
I went out with Erin and Dan and some friends of theirs a few weeks ago for an adult night in Canton. What fun! Dan and I smiling for the camera!
Erin striking a pose with the DeWalt glove.

Friday, December 07, 2007

Picture PerfectEllie in her school portraits.

Thursday, December 06, 2007

Horray Snow!!
So, this was the first measurable snow of the year, and you may call me a liar come May but I think that this year is going to be a bad one! Anyway, it started yesterday morning around 8 in the morning and was still snowing when I went to bed. I think we ended up with a total of 4-5 inches. Daycare closed early so I got to leave work early also and when we got home Papoo already had a sled waiting for us!Yeah snow!!!
Mmm snow!
Mommy and Ellie just before it got too cold to be outside. I taught her all sorts of fun stuff... we made snow angels and snowballs (and had fun throwing them at anyone who came outside, including the Schatzie), catching snowflakes, and we even went sledding. There just wasn't enough snow (there probably was but it was getting dark and cold) to make a snowman but there is always next time.
Even Schatzie was excited about the snow! Buzz Schatzie, buzz!
Catching snowflakes on her tongue.
Ellie's first sleigh ride... Yippee!
It was hard to convince her to come inside, I was cold and her gloves were soaked and cheeks were rosy red so I know that she was also so I did it, I bribed her with a princess movie. Here she is crashed out in her self-made pillow nest watching another "princess movie" and warming up from our frosty fun!
Aunt Margie and Ellie bundled up watching The Little Mermaid before a hearty spaghetti dinner!

Wednesday, December 05, 2007

Ravens 24 Patriots 27
Julie and I went to the Ravens' Monday night game on Dec 3. What fun, it was my first game ever!! We braved the icy temps (low 30s) gusty winds (gusts up to 50mph) and snow (yes, snow) to join the 71K other fans at M&T Stadium. View from out seats. We were in the upper level about half way up. Definatly a steep drop!
Julie and I bundled up for the temps. I had on long johns, a turtleneck, a fleece, a two layer coat, jeans, wool socks, and boots but my secret weapon was the heating insoles in my shoes and hand warmers in my gloves. We also came armed with many blankets... We were prepared!! We didn't even get too bad until the end of the fourth quarter. And speaking of the 4th quarter... I was amazed that we made it to the end of the game, our goal was just to make it through the first half. Way to go us!!!
The Ravens' marching band... proof that we made it through half time!
Yes, it is a bad picture of outside the stadium. But look, you can see, it really is snowing!!

Sunday, December 02, 2007

Choo-Choo Trains and Santa Clause
Meme, Marg, Ellie, and I met Lisa, Andrew, Erica, Julie, and Aunt Angela at Kennilworth to see the fantastic train garden and to see the big man himself... Santa Clause. Here are Andrew and Ellie making wishes with Lisa. Actually, it ended up that they just liked throwing pennies (aka: "wishes") into the water and they never quite got the whole 'make a wish' thing... Maybe next time?
Ellie rocking Ishkibibble before we left to meet everyone. Ishkibibble (sound it out) was Papoo's teddy bear from when he was a kid and he gave it to Ellie on her 2nd birthday.
Ellie and Andrew with Santa Clause. Before you 'ooh and aah', let me tell you that it took about 20-25 min to get this picture! I am sure that all of the parents behind us were loved us by the end. I was willing to come back another day when it wasn't so crowded but Santa was very calm and patient and helped coach (and coax) us through it. Notice that she is as far away as possible, when we walked up she freaked out and her monkey arms (and legs) held on tighter than ever to me. She wouldn't even let me sit near him! But brave Andrew walked right up to Santa, Gave him a hug and sat on his lap. Anyway, this was as close as we could get her and right after this photo was taken she was feeling awfully proud of herself until she turned around and realized that Santa was right there, she yelped and ran over to me. What a girl!!

Pretty Ellie gazing at the water, probably trying to figure out how to get in and play with it!! The both of them were more amazed by the water than anything else (except for maybe Santa)!
If you listen real hard I think you can almost hear him thinking, "Just you wait. There is so much more to me than these good looks!"
Making wishes.
Mommy and Ellie by the fountain.
Ellie and the choo-choos.