Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Everyday Photos of My BellyIn the car goofin' off with her silly coke-bottle glasses. What a silly goose!!
I taught her some more funny faces, we are still working on this one.... Usually there is a thumb in one ear and a finger in the other ear with both pinky fingers waving and the tongue just gets stuck out. Let's face it, that is a lot of things to do all at once!!
Eating Cheerios (and sharing them with Schatzie) on Mommy's bed while wearing big girl pants, again... a lot of things to do all at once!!!

"Ha, Ha!! Look at me dancing in my panties!!!"
Seriously, I think that this cookie was bigger than her head! And no, you should know me better than that! Of course she didn't eat the whole thing, I had to throw it out after three days!!
One morning on the way to school... Doesn't she look like such a rag-a-muffin? Her hat is on crooked and her sweater is hanging out the bottom of her vest with her bah-bah in one hand and the dancing/singing chicken in the baby carrier in the other hand. Truthfully, it is called picking your battles and that was one better left untouched!! But don't be fooled, there was a little battle of wills when she wanted to take that stupid chicken into school. And in case you were wondering... I won that one but I also went into work that day with little red feathers on my coat. So really... did I win?

How tall is the Belly??? I don't know but Papoo did make her first mark on the wall!!
Lunch with Mommy on a Saturday afternoon. Mmmm... Gyro and french fries with ketchup.
Saturday night Julie and I went out on the town and look who we ran into... Brendan and a friend of his. What a small world!

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