Sunday, August 05, 2007

Ellie snoozing... notice the legs through the rails. I sometimes wish I could sleep that sound!
Mommy and Ellie say "Cheese!!"!
Muscle lady putting lotion in her hair like mommy does in hers (but I use styling products, not hand lotion).
Pee-pee in the public potty at Tex and Shirley's.
Weeeeee!! Ellie goes down the slide!!!
At the bottom of the slide pausing for a photo.
Pam and Ellie hanging at the park.
Miss Adventure... Conquering the 5-12 year old's jungle-gym with no fear. And I wonder where my silver highlights come from!!
Our attempt at big-girl panties... Failure!! At least this time. She held strong for at least the first few hours and then at the dinner table when my back was turned, I thought that she had dumped her cup of milk over. When I turned around... there was a puddle of pee-pee under her chair. I guess we will try again another day!
Pool side with Ellie on Saturday!
Look... She is a Rock Star with those Elton John shades!! There must have been a theme for Sunday, you'll see later...
At work with Mommy... Playing on the lab counter with volumetric flasks. To be honest, Ellie is the only one I have ever seen balance one of these upside down! Now there is some talent!!
What a big help, Ellie is helping me set up some cups for my tox testing. I am trying to teach her early!!
Elton John #2 for the day!! See, I told you!
Ellie and Pam on the Tox floor at work... Thanks Pam for helping me out!!
Safety first!! Ellie is wearing my safety glasses in the lab! But, if they are upside down are they still safe?
I told you, I am teachhing her early. Not only was there science in the morning but in the afternoon there was vacuming (notice the multi-tasking with the cell phone in the other hand)!! Talk about independence... Strong woman in training, watch out!!

1 comment:

Jessica said...

Looks like Ellie had a very educational and fun weekend!