Sunday, July 01, 2007

Hot Times in the SummerSitting where she shouldn't be... on top of the chair and VERY proud of herself!!
Tormenting the dog, poor Schazie!!
But at least she is still smiling!!
At the beach concert on Saturday afternoon, Ellie sticks her tongue out while Jer looks confused. I think it was the large beer on such a hot day!
The sprinklers were a hit and so was Ellie in the sprinklers!!
I was actually jealous! Who wouldn't want to strip down to their panties and run through sprinklers in public on a hot day with people around you who think it is adorable!!I love you too, Grandpa!
Aaaagghh!! This is awesome!!!
Ellie and Miss Linda in the sprinklers, Yea!!
Mr. Joel, Uncle Mike, and me... half nudie in his hat! I am styling!!
Ellie and her crack!!! That is what happens when a pull-up gets soaked!!!
Dancing in the park!
Picnic at City Lake Park on Sunday afternoon!
All done?!?!
Sweet Ellie on the horsies on the merry-go-round.

Ellie on the choo-choo train at the park... her first official train ride, horray!!

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