Monday, November 06, 2006

Busy Day
Sunday, November 5, 2006
So many things to do on Sunday after Rosie left... Eating lunch with Daddy. Mmmm... lima beans, green beans, chicken tenders, mac-n-cheese, and burp... how lady-like!!
We stopped by the airport in Greensboro to have a quick visit with Great-auntie Donna before her flight left for Atlanta!
I even let Great-auntie Donna hold me... big steps! She did bribe me with Cheerios and it worked. We'll see about next time!
I played on the front yard and had lots of fun pulling out the grass. Who needs a lawn mower when you have me!!

Here is another shot of me with Mommy, Great-auntie Donna, and Grandma. This was my first time in a bar and I didn't even get carded!!

1 comment:

drlysse said...

I just cannot stop smiling from these pics!!!Those Lysse women sure are cute!!! Can you believe she likes veggies....must get that from her momma!!!