Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Ellie and Schatzie...
They say that children learn from what they see, well I can believe that! The older Ellie gets I see more and more of Schatzie's influences! Some days they are like two peas in a pod. We are really lucky that they get along so well! Ellie can take stuff right out of Schatzie's mouth, but when Schatzie goes to take stuff away from Ellie it doesn't always go so well (really it just depends on what it is!). Just last night we had a half hour battle over one of Ellie's teeting biscuits.
Last night Ellie grabbed her sippy cup in the kitchen with her teeth and crawled into the den. How else do you bring a cup into the other room when you need your hands for other things like crawling?
Oh the joys of dog food, you can almost hear her thinking "Maybe this stuff tastes better than my dog food... maybe I should just try it to make sure!!"
Sometimes you just need a friend to share your food with, sharing is good, right?? This is almost a nightly occurance once I look away, even for a second!
And speaking of sharing Schatzie was kind enough to share her bone with Ellie. Apparently dog bones come in very handy when you are teething! That was so nice of Schatzie!

1 comment:

drlysse said...

Can't wait to see what other tricks they teach each other!!!