Monday, July 06, 2009

4th of July Week and Weekend!
Schatzie got her summer haircut... she looks so pretty and cool for the warm temps!
Thursday night...
We stayed up late on Thursday night so Ellie could see the fireflies for the first time. She wasn't too thrilled when I told her we were going to go outside to see some buggies.
But once she saw the first few she was pretty excited. I had to catch a few to show her what these things were that were flashing.
Then she found some on her own! The evening was magical!
Looks like that one got a little too close for comfort!
I had off of work so Ellie played hookie from school and we went out to Larriland Farm to pick some blueberries. It was about 45min away so to pass the time we counted trucks on the road... we got all the way up to 75!!
Just letting the wind blow through her hair!!
Mmmm... Blueberries!
Ellie picking a few of her own!
Posing next to a blueberry bush... it may not look like a lot but they sure were good!!
This one is titled "Blueberries in a bag", print 1 of 1. Photo courtesy of Ellie.
Larriland Farm
Mommy picking most of the berries.
More of the farm.
Ellie picking clovers while I was picking blueberries!
Look at all of the pretty flowers!Ellie and I by the blueberry bushes.
We did try to pick the rasberries but that didn't work as well as the blueberries... too many prickleys. Also Ellie kept picking the red ones... not bad but we were picking black rasberries so hers weren't ready yet!
Ellie in her 4th of July outfit. You can't really see them but she is also wearing red cowgirl boots!
See here they are! Erica and Ellie posing in their patriotic outfits!
Ellie and I waiting for the festivities to start... she is ready with her ears already covered!
Erica "cheesing" for the camera with Ellie's tiara on top of her sun hat! What a silly girl!
Silly Ellie wearing her crazy head band!
Lisa and Batman!
Oh look, Andrew looks so much like batman! Hmmm... I wonder why??
Here is the parade group... Julie, Lisa, Andrew, Erica, Margie, Meme, Papoo, Aunt Angela, Cindy, and Ellie
Same group again but I'm in there instead of Lisa.
The begining of the parade...
I will start this by saying that it went much better than last year. Ellie's ears weren't covered the entire time and she didn't hide out in the back of the group. Instead she covered her ears only when the fire engines, motorcycles, and some of the bands went by! Also, she sat up front on the curb for almost the entire time! Way to go E!!
Ellie and one of the fire engines... this one had a bell and not a siren!
Ellie and Andrew perched up on Papoo's lap!
Ellie in Papoo's hat.
Ellie and Marg taking in all of the parade!
Ellie and Andrew watching the band very carefully!
The Raven's marching band!! Go Ravens... Caw, caw!!!
This band was a little loud!
Erica and Ellie on my lap.
TSU Tiger pep band.
That afternoon we were off to a picnic/ cook-out with some friends at their pool. Ellie and Connor were really enjoying their cupcakes!
Connor the cupcake man!
And Ellie the icing face!
Exploring the pool grounds.
Swimming (blowing bubbles) in the "big" kids pool... it went from 2 1/2ft- 3ft... Ellie was in heaven!
Noodle for the Noodle-head!!
Its getting late... almost time to go home and eat dinner!
Ellie went down the little water slide a couple of times and even went under water all by her self (on purpose). She still isn't a big fan but she tried it on her own... I am so proud!!!
One last ride on the elephant before we leave!
Prime spot for the fireworks... in the Target/ Superfresh parking lot!
Popsicles and fireworks... Fantastic!
Ellie and I at the Towson fireworks.
Ellie and Papoo snuggled in the back of my car watching the fireworks... it was a long, long day!!
After church in her red, white, and blue dress.
Ellie's mean face... I am sooo scared!!
Climbing on the dinosaur at the playground after church.
Ellie bouncing on the see-saw.
Climbing on the bottom!
Playing in the sandbox and building castles. Getting ready for the beach in a few weeks!
Ellie swinging on the swings at Uncle Ronnie and Aunt Pat's house on Sunday evening.
Ellie, Emma, Erin, and Wes on the swings.
Emma having a fantastic tim
Wrestling with Dan in the sun room... Super Ellie.
Ellie playing with Annie. they had a lot of fun but I think that she may be allergic to cats (boo!). The rest of the evening she was itching her eyes and her nose was running... No fun!

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