Wednesday, December 05, 2007

Ravens 24 Patriots 27
Julie and I went to the Ravens' Monday night game on Dec 3. What fun, it was my first game ever!! We braved the icy temps (low 30s) gusty winds (gusts up to 50mph) and snow (yes, snow) to join the 71K other fans at M&T Stadium. View from out seats. We were in the upper level about half way up. Definatly a steep drop!
Julie and I bundled up for the temps. I had on long johns, a turtleneck, a fleece, a two layer coat, jeans, wool socks, and boots but my secret weapon was the heating insoles in my shoes and hand warmers in my gloves. We also came armed with many blankets... We were prepared!! We didn't even get too bad until the end of the fourth quarter. And speaking of the 4th quarter... I was amazed that we made it to the end of the game, our goal was just to make it through the first half. Way to go us!!!
The Ravens' marching band... proof that we made it through half time!
Yes, it is a bad picture of outside the stadium. But look, you can see, it really is snowing!!

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