Sunday, April 22, 2007

Slumber Party
Ellie, Schatzie, and I went up to Mike and Jess's house to spend the night with Aunt Donna and Grandma Deb whild they doggie-sat Bella. Mike and Jess were up in D.C. with her parents to see her sister.
Here are Schatzie and Ellie in the back seat on the ride over to Mike & Jess' house for a girls night.
The girls are rock, rock, rocking on the rocker on the back porch.
A good place to wind down before bed, stories and wine/milk are a sure way to relax!!
There is nothing better than a little cuddle time before bed with a clean and stink-free baby!
The hairy girls had a blast running around and playing!! I know that they wore each other out, actually, Schatzie is passed out on the floor next to me as I type right now!!

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