Tuesday, April 03, 2007

If angels could speak...
Well Ellie is working really hard on all of her words, every day there are new ones for me to figure out. Since she has had her tubes put in her language has really taken off!! The other morning we were eating breakfast, a typical Monday morning, and I was at the kitchen counter putting my lunch together while she was working on her juice and oatmeal. Normally she will babble to her self or tell Schatzie to "get down", but this morning she said, "Mama, luboo." I thought that she said "thank you" which is very common around our house these days. I said, "your welcome" and she just looked at me and said again, "luboo". Once I really listened to her I realized that she said, "Mama, I love you". So we repeated it back and forth to each other a few times until I was convinced. That was an amazing gift that she gave me. Angels can speak, you just need to listen. Mine told me she loved me during a time I really need to hear it!!

And of course to bring it back to real life she has also started to pick her nose. That is ok, we are working on using tissues but she is my nose-pickin' angel.


Anonymous said...

What a wonderful surprise from our angel Ellie...sending you both a big big HUG and love you both sooo much mom

drlysse said...

I know that was THE BEST LUBOO in the whole world!!! Grandma Deb and Grandpa Jer "luboo" too!!!