Wednesday, December 27, 2006

We were able to drive up to York, PA the day after Christmas to meet Carey, Dan, and Gen for breakfast at Cracker Barrel (thanks Bill for taking one for the team!). We had a great visit, it has been so long since we have seen them I was happy that we were able to get together. Gen has gotten so big, the last time I saw her in person she was just over a week old! Here is Carey, Gen, Ellie, and myself at the table.
The girls got along really well, I wish they lived closer so they could see eachother more often. They had a ball playing on the kid-sized rocking chairs out in front of Cracker Barrel. As Ellie says, "Rock! Rock!"
I know that they must be saying something to each other I just wish I knew what it was!! Probably planning on waht to do next to terrorize us!!

Two peas in a pod!!

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