Monday, June 15, 2009

Sunny Days and Lots of FUN!!
This past week has been huge for Ellie! It was like this week it clicked and everything she has been working on came together! She can get on the swing at the park all by herself, she can button her buttons and zip her zipper. She put her face in the water at swim lessons, she can go across the monkey bars at school all by herself, actually she showed me when I picked her up one day, she went across them 4 times and I was amazed! To top things off, Papoo measured her yesterday and she has grown an inch since March and is just a hair under 40 inches!! Way to grow, kiddo!!
We met up with Joelle and Cathy after work and school to unwind after a hectic week... It was the perfect way to end the week!
Ellie and Joelle having fun rolling old cable spools (or college coffee tables, whatever you want to call them) around in the sand.
Ellie just looking way too cute!
I think they are driving the spool. Oh well, at least they are having fun!!
Saturday morning Ellie and I did the Out for Blood 5k run/ 1mile walk for the Red Cross down at Druid Hill Park in the city.
There were over 200 runners and walkers!
And here is Ellie... Just strutting her stuff! All in all the walk went ok! She lost interest part of the way through and was ready to go so we backtracked and probably ended up walking way more than we had too! But lucky Ellie, she rode on my shoulders for at least half of the walk and guess what... there were lots of hills!Elie and I at the end of the walk!
Yay! We did it! Now it is off to the zoo!
Here we are at the zoo, we got there a little early so Ellie played outside for a bit!
The rhinos.
The ostrich.
A duck looking for food in the mud.
Ellie at the Elephant Outlook.
Ellie and the elephants.
My little map reader. She was in charge of the map on this trip she showed me where to go and how to get there... and not in a bad way!!
We even got to see the baby elephant nursing. It was very cool!
Speaking of cool... Ellie got to see the penguins! This one looks just like Bird!And here he is swimming... The budding photographer took this shot!
Ellie as a penguin! After this picture was taken I had to play doctor... between the humidity, low cut socks, and all of the walking, Ellie got a blister! No worries though, I got her all fixed up and she was fine even if there was some dramatic limping thrown in every once in a while so she could beg for another shoulder ride!
Ellie and I are lions! She is the mommy and I am the baby!
Ellie checking out the fish in the Monkey House.
Speaking of monkeys... The chimpanzees were all outside and full of action! This guy brought a trash can over and was playing it like a drum.
While he was making music the others were running around, climbing, and swinging. Two of them ran off to the side to work on making a baby monkey while yet another decided to show off his alpha-maleness and body slam the window. That startled everyone but really freaked Ellie out! All of this activity went on for about 10 min and as quickly as it started up is settled down but it was really fun to watch!!!
Now Ellie was making music too!
Ellie showing me how to walk like a chimpanzee.
3 little monkeys (and 2 more on her shirt)!
Toucan (aka: The Blueberry Monster)
Ellie learning all about why they call him the Blueberry Monster... That is his favorite food. He will hold one in his beak and show it to everyone then toss it up in the air and swallow it!
Ellie and I riding on the tortoise.
A really pretty bird in the aviary. Just seconds after this photo was taken it pooped on the railing. Ellie was amazed and grossed out all at the same time!
Ellie in the bird's nest.
Ellie as a turtle!
Running through the tunnels.
Ellie riding the kid tractors at the farm area of the zoo.
Brushing the goats... I can't tell who is enjoying this more!
Ellie and I riding the pretend horses!
Trekking back up the big hill after a fun day at the zoo. We were there for about 4 hours and now it is time to go home!
Stopping to see the prairie dogs on the way out.
She's not lion... Ellie loved the zoo!
Playing in the, I mean around, the fountain at church.
Taking it all in!
After church Ellie and I went to Great Grapes Wine Festival at Oregon Ridge. Despite a few bumps in the road we made it and Lisa and Andrew were able to join up for an afternoon of fun and later Beth, Kiley and some other friends joined us!
Attempting the monkey bars... maybe not, these are pretty high up!!
Ellie and Andrew enjoying some tunes.
Ellie in the field enjoying the bluegrass music all by herself!!
Ellie and Andrew in the wagon.
Ellie, Andrew, Lisa, and I
Ellie and Kiley rolling around in the field and listening to some tunes!
Dancing to the music!
Ellie's garden is getting bigger by the day!
Her 'maters are getting HUGE!!
Enjoying some pool time on Sunday evening!
Just scoping out the scene!
Ellie playing with her party boat in the pool!
And below it is a clip of Ellie at the pool. She opens by saying "I'm not Ellie anymore, I'm Butt!" then she spits while she is upside down so it goes right into her nose...

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