Sunday, April 05, 2009

April is here!!!
We had a fun weekend of warm weather! Above is Ellie and Papoo cuddling up on Sunday afternoon... Neither one of them got a nap. Ellie didn't want one and wouldn't let Papoo take one! Lucky us, we got to deal with both of them! :-)
Also, the weekend ended with birthday wishes and cake... Happy birthday Papoo!!!
Sunday afternoon walk with Papoo, Margie, Ellie, and Schatzie.

Ellie checking out the magnolias. This is the first spring she is realizing what is going on... the grass is getting greener, leaves are growing, and flowers are blooming. So many questions but so much fun!
Ellie playing with my camera again... good shot of Margie and I.
This is a little backwards... but this is the end result. Grass in my hair. I guess I am the dummy for letting her do it!
The mischievous smile (that is chocolate icing on her face) on her way to "grass my head".
Getting ready to grass...
Ellie and her anti-smile!
Cootering on a Sunday afternoon.
Ellie patiently waiting while I adjust her helmet... the straps are getting a little tight. Someone is getting a big head!
Practicing for the roller derby on the back patio.
Ellie checking out Ellie at the pancake store.
The unicow at the traveling zoo on Saturday and here is my review:
Well, I took Ell to the zoo at the fairgrounds and well.... it is something else! It truly reminded me of the circus freaks version of the zoo. Instead of the bearded lady they had a giant cow with one horn (coming out of the top of his head) and instead of the 6 inch man they had a zebra that looked as though he had painted stripes.
There were elephant, camel, and pony rides... we avoided those. Pictures with a 7' snake, alligator, or pony. The face painting "studio" was a wanna-be tattoo studio with loud music, shady people, and offerings of basic face painting, all over face painting, air brushed painting (I saw one kid getting a shark on his arm), and temporary tattoos.
As for their rides, just think ghetto! The cars, train, and airplane rides weren't bad just old but those things could go!! The "fun house" was remedial at best. One tube down (all stationary) net to climb to 2nd level, another tube back across then a tube slide out... Woo-hoo!! Ghetto teacups/ scrambler, they looked like large painted and halved barrels with a metal circle in the middle and painted plywood seats (Ellie flipped her stuff on this one). After that one she refused any other rides. Then the Merry-Go-Round just looked a bit beat up bit it ran!
We had fun despite the uniqueness of the event. All in all this definitely was not the Baltimore Zoo or the Greatest Show on Earth but in its own way it was an enjoyable morning!
At the bottom of the "fun house".
One of the petting pens.
Checking out the sheep.
Looking at the bunnies.
Riding on the airplane ride... this was pre-tea cups!

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