Tuesday, October 21, 2008

My little-big girl turns 3...
Introducing Ellis Ryan
On the day you were born you took my breath away and put tears on my eyes. Ellie, that was the first of many surprises you had in store for me!

1 year milestone...

You were growing like a weed and changing every day. There were smiles and giggles, new foods and footsteps. It was a first year of firsts and there are still many more to come.

We made it 2 years...

You tested my patience with temper tantrum and fits. You even made my face go red a few times be it from embarrassment, frustration, or laughter! Though, through all of the changes the one thing that never changed was your loving heart.

Happy 3rd birthday princess...

You are a princess and a diva, some have even called you a drama queen! You are cautious and reserved, silly and outspoken. You cuddle in the mornings and want to be left alone in the evenings and like nothing more than a bedtime story and a hug.

We put kisses on each other's hearts and I tell you as many times as I can every day how much I love you. You have a tender heart and I pray that this world never hardens it. And always know that no matter how big you get you will forever be my little girl. I love you.

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