Friday, August 01, 2008

Three Weeks in One Post... Bear with Me, Please!
Kiley's 1st Birthday
Mmmm... Cake!
So excited about so much icing!! Or maybe it is the sugar just kicking in!
Here Mommy, have some too!!
Ms Beth and Ellie

Misc. Photos...

Schatzie perched on Ellie's friends. I took the picture then showed it to Ellie (she wasn't paying any attention to Schatzie at the time) she took one look at the picture, looked at the couch and said, "Hey! Schatzie in my pot!!" Sharp little girl, huh?
What a diva!!
Philly Visit
July 19-20, 2008
Ellie and Sophie snoozing in the back seat on our driving tour of the city. They were wide awake for the 30 minute drive into the city but once we started looking for a parking spot Ellie started snoring and Sophie dozed off soon after... No Touch and Feel Museum for us that day. Instead we drove around the city for the $4/gallon nap (aka- one of the most expensive naps ever) then ate lunch and did some shopping!
South Street
City Hall
Big statue... not sure who but I am sure it is imporntant!
UPDATE... This is a statue of WIlliam Penn. Thank you, Stepahnie!
The Rocky steps... aka: the museum steps
Smiling Sophie
On our way to the park in the sweltering heat on Sunday morning.
Happy girls
Sophie, Leigh, Ellie, and MB
"I a spaceman!!"
Ellie was running around one night with (clean) panties on her head, princess poofs on her elbows, a silver princess mask on her face, and in her Snow Wipe night gown swearing that she is a spaceman!!

NC Visit

July25-29, 2008
On the way home from the airport, after telling Grandma and Donna the "spaceman" story, Donna decides to see how she feels as a spaceman... So Donna, what do you think??
We stopped at Cracker Barrel for breakfast and here is Bill, Ellie, Donna, and Deb after breakfast resting their feet... not too much relaxing though, you might just fall asleep!! But hey, thats what we get for catching a 6am flight to Raleigh.

Note: The flight was good in theory and that is it!!
Ellie as the Mitt Monster in Bed Bath and Beyond
Ellie painting everyone with her princess lip gloss.

Ellie and I on our phones.
Here we are at Friendly Center listening to a Beetles cover band... not too bad just very hot!!
Ellie touching her soon-to-be cousin.
Ellie was facinated with the giant shampoo bottle... An new crush? Maybe! First it was Matt Lauer, then Diego, now Blue Shampoo.

Jessica's Baby Shower
Deb, Ellie, MB, and Donna before Jess' baby shower.

Grandma and Ellie
Jess and Donna sucking their way to victory... Jess won by a fraction of and ounce!
Jess and Ellie
Pretty Ellie in the pool.
Big girl helping Bella into the house.
Naked Ellie running in the sprinklers with Daddy and Uncle Mike... Weeee!!
Saturday night I met up with an old college buddy of mine and had a great time!!
Daddy and Ellie playing Dora Memory
Bye bye Auntie Donna!
Chele, Greg, and Miranda on out wat to go tubing on the Dan River on Sunday... Lots of fun!!!
Alessandro's Visit
Alessandro, his mommy Flor, and Ellie
Playing in the play room
Ellie, Alessandro, Flor, and MB Sunday night (Please be kind... it was a long day in the sun and on the river for me, I fell asleep on the couch after showers that night)
Shopping on Monday... Ellie takes a spin on Bob the Builder's bull dozer
Look... it is a dip in the pool or is it a bath? Actually, it is a pool bath!!! Nothing like killing two birds with one stone!
Horray! Grandma and Ellie
All cuddled up and watching cartoons befor bed!
Measuring Up
Papoo measured Ellie to see just how big this Big Girl is... 37 inches!! She has grown 3 inches since the beginning of November. Wow!!
Stand straight so this is accurate!
Funny faces in the tub!!!

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