Saturday, September 15, 2007

Early September, 2007 Cheerios, juice, and JoJo the Clown... Awesome Sunday morning!!
Looks like they are carrying Ellie to the roasting pit!
Grandpa on his Ellie pillow.
Ellie kissing the neighbor's cat, Prince.
Play-Doh... fun!
Making green pasta, yummy!
Night-night story time with Grandma.
There were chickens running around the Biscuitville parking lot, I am telling you... there are crazy things going on around here!!
Here is the rooster and his harem.
Not much is better than bouncing on Grandpa's head!!
Ellie & Jess... Cheese... and wine!
All smiles. Uncle Mike, Ellie, and Abby hanging out on the deck.
Look.... the plane, the plane.
Walrus Ellie.
Kissy face with Uncle Mike.
Miss Natalya and Miss Melody... Ellie's teachers at school. We will sure miss them!
Lady in waiting... for falling cheerios.
Attacking the paper towels.
She has her special glasses to help with her Mr Potato Head assembly.
Nothing like a good bath in the sink!!

Brushing her teeth with her giant tooth brush!

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