Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Rosie & Scott's Wedding
September 9, 2006
Let me start out by saying that I am so sorry for such a laps in entries but I have a very good excuse... our other camera broke and we had to get a new one and then figure out how to use it. Anyway, here I am and now we are up and running again!!
Ellie, Deb, and I went to Atlanta the other weekend for Rosie's wedding and we made a great girl's weekend out of it! We hit the outlets in Gafney, SC on the way down and did some damage... what fun and a great break in the drive!! Well, we made it there in one piece and Donna was able to join us at the hotel for the weekend. By the way Donna, Ellie wanted me to thank you again or the glow worm and the donna-doll, she said that she loves them!!
Here are some pictures from the Big Day... I wish I had more to share but unfortunatly it is hard to be a photographer while you have a baby in tow! Here are Rosie and Scott at the alter, it really was a beautiful ceremony. I just wish that Ellie would have napped through the entire thing!
Here we are at the reception: Lisa, MB, Leanna, and Bethany. It was so great to see so many people I haven't seen in years!
Here are Ellie's "fill-in" grandparents, Nelly and Jim. I don't know who had more fun, Ellie running around, or Jim running after Ellie!!
Horray, the Phi Mu babies finally meet. Here Ellie and I are with Angie and her daughter Evie. It almost looks like they are having their own baby conversation!
Congratulations Rosie, I wish you and Scott a lifetime full of love, joy, and understanding!!

1 comment:

drlysse said...

What a fantastic "girls week-end" we had!!! Of course, grandma liked the shopping part the best!!!!! Ellie was a SUPER GOOD traveler!!!!!