Saturday With the Bunnies and More...
After I got home from work (it was my weekend) Grandma Deb and I took Ellie to "Bunny Day" at the Natural Science Center. We had fun and saw lots of new and neat things like dinosaurs, big turtles, and bunnies. After the Natural Science Center we went shopping (mostly window because it was such a nice day) and then had dinner at Bravo! which was very, very good. What a wonderful day!!
Ellie would not touch the bunnies, I think that she was afraid of them because, as you can see, she wouldn't even turn her back to them without having a fit. Bless her heart. The main thing I did wrong that day was I forgot to take my allergy meds... big mistake!
Lucky for me Ellie took the "look but don't touch" phrase to heart. She was amazed at all of the animals but she wouldn't touch anything with a 10 foot pole, well almost anything!!
"Grrrroowlll! Come back here Ellie, I am going to eat you if I can pick you up with my tiny arms!"
Peek-a-boo, I can see you!! She had a blast running around up the ramp and down the stairs over and over again. She made me tired!!
Now here is the one thing she did touch, a live little chick. Ellie was fine until she realized that it was alive then she dropped it on my chest and then it ran up on my shoulder and almost down my back. Thank goodness Grandma was there to save that little peeps!!
Here is Ellie getting her bunny nose and wiskers painted on her face. She did really well, no squirming or tears, horray!!
Now isn't that just the cutest bunny you have ever seen in the whole world??? Nowwhen we were shopping everyone thought that she was a kitty cat, but oh well, she is still adorable anyway!!
Grandma and Ellie coloring at Bravo! before a wonderful dinner on the patio!
Mmmm, sharing ice cream with mommy. What better way to top off the day then with Ben and Jerry's?!?
I love ice cream... watch out here comes the sugar buzz, I can feel it!!
"Look Mama, it is my best buddy from school, Larissa! Horray!!"
Fun at the fountain!
Look, I can do what you can do and you can do what I can do. Some may even call it monkey see, monkey do!!
"Bye-bye Larissa, I will see you on Monday!!"
Ellie is so very tired on the drive home after a fantastic day.
After I got home from work (it was my weekend) Grandma Deb and I took Ellie to "Bunny Day" at the Natural Science Center. We had fun and saw lots of new and neat things like dinosaurs, big turtles, and bunnies. After the Natural Science Center we went shopping (mostly window because it was such a nice day) and then had dinner at Bravo! which was very, very good. What a wonderful day!!